Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why teach?

Although I have never wanted to become a teacher, I have always admired them. What makes a person choose a career where they will be underpaid and overworked. I just read an article that talks about a lady who planned on teaching for a few years, however 29 years later she was still in love with it.  She talks about how shes constantly learning new things and how its always a new adventure. She also mentions how great it feels when your grading a students work and get to put an A on the paper. What's better than a job that you can still love after 29 years? I think that people choose to teach because the joy that it brings out weigh the obstacles that teachers have to face. I also think that someone would want to teach in the U.S because childrens are our future. If we educate children and make in impact on their lives, they can make a difference in the world.Theres a quote that says " I'm not saying its going to be easy, I'm telling you its going to be worth it." I think that the sums up being a teacher really well.

I love this quote!!!  Totally true!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hi everyone! My names Nicole Cronin and I am in my last semester at Salem State. When I graduate I plan to travel around before heading off to graduate school. I am a psychology major and plan to focus specifically on child psychology. My whole life I have been around children, from my moms in home daycare, to volunteering and babysitting.  I was even lucky enough to work with children  while studying about this summer! When trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, there were two thing that I knew for sure, I wanted to help people and that nothing puts a smile on face the way children do. Knowing these two things made it easy for me to find child psychology. Although I am not an elementary education major I think that learning about education is extremely helpful. Whenever we are around children we are constantly teaching them. I think that knowing about education can definitely help me with child psychology. I have recently started an internship at Horizons for Homeless Children. I look forward to seeing how learning about education helps me with children in both my internship and psychology.

Here's a photo of me and my mom. I can definitely thank her for my love for children!

Understanding Prejudice
Here's a website that I found about teaching children about prejudice. It lists different activities to use to help children look at the world more openly. I thought this website was really helpful, especially after watching Lottery of Birth.