Thursday, December 11, 2014

Memory Lane

Education is like the earth we live on. We need it for our very existence. A world without education would be pointless. We need to take care of education the same way we take care of the earth or we will start to hurt it. If we take good care of it, it will we will continue to benefit from it.

Throughout the semester I have learned a lot about education. One main thing that I learned about education is how important it is for us to educate children correctly. It is important for us to stand up regardless of what the system says. I have also learned how much of an impact a teacher has. Teachers can change the future of a child. Even if a child seems rebellious a teacher can have the right impact on them so they don't drop out. I have learned a lot from my classmates as well. I know have access to so many different websites that I had not known about before. These websites have taught me new things and will help me in the future with children. I have also learned from reading about their different views on topics. Overall this course has been extremely enjoyable and there is so much information that I will carry with me forever.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Do you know your rights?

Social justice is creating a world where everyone is treated equally, where there is no discrimination. Once I started to think about social justice, I realized one huge issue, I didn't know my rights. Knowing our rights allows us to stand up and fight back when we are being treated unfairly. Knowing our rights helps us fight for a world with social justice. I read many stories about students getting into trouble but in the end they were prosecuted unfairly so it was overturned. How are we able to fight back if we do not know what is allowed. If a student gets in to a fight at school and is getting suspended, they must know the process that the school has to go through. The student may feel that they are being treated unfair and are not able to tell their side of the story. However it is very easy for the school to say, you were in a fight now your suspended. Students have the right to due process though. If a student knows this then they are able to fight to tell their side of the story. In order for us to have social justice we need to know what rights we have.
Anyone who disagrees with the UN on any of these points is welcome to explain the problem...on her own board.
I think that this poster is can be really helpful in improving social justice. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Language Minority

I have always wanted to learn another language. I have taken multiple classes and even have Rosetta Stone. However I can still only say a few basic things. When I think about my struggles to learn a new language, I can only image what it must be like for someone trying to learn English, especially a child. Imagine your a young student, in a new place, with a new language, and a new curriculum. Not only are you trying to keep up with what your suppose to be learning but you have a language barrier. The only thing that I can think would make this easier is a two-way language immersion. This allows English speaking students and Spanish speaking students to learn both languages. Both students get to work together to learn the others language. This takes away the idea of language minority and puts both students at equal learning levels. When I studied abroad in Spain, I made a friend who was trying to learn English. Knowing that he was trying to learn English, while I was trying to learn Spanish made learning less stressful and scary. We both understood the challenges of learning a new language and helped each other grow. I think that two-way language immersion should be implemented in every school. 
 Bilingual    : Health and Happiness

Who benefits from UDL?

UDL is a term I have recently just learned about and stands for Universal Design for Learning. When I first started learning about UDL I first thought it's main focus was special education. However I soon realized the importance of UDL for ALL students. For centuries we have followed a very strict curriculum. We have always followed the same path on how to teach our students. We have learned that each student is different, every single one is an individual. The problem is that the curriculum we have always followed does not adapt to each student. Its not a mystery to figure out that the curriculum we follow has flaws, while we watch students being taught the same things as their peers fall behind. What is creating these students to fall behind, even though they have the same exact resources as others? Each student is different! UDL allows us to adapt to these differences so every student can learn. People may view UDL as an adapting for students with disabilities. But they are far from the only ones that will benefit. In a recent article that I read it used a great example of how many more people benefit from the original audience. The article says how the cut in a curb was originally intended to benefit people in wheelchairs. Of course it does benefit them, but it also benefits people with canes, skateboarders, and people we carriages. All though it was not intended to benefit these people it does and only creates a positive improvement for everyone. UDL will not only help students with disabilities but it will also help every student. Teachers will also benefit from UDL because the flexibility they need in a classroom will already be there. Instead of trying to figure out how to help each student in the middle of the year, teachers will start the year off with flexibility for each student. Overall UDL will be beneficially to everyone involved.
Teach the Way They Learn

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What do you really know about Christopher Columbus?

When I think about Christopher Columbus, I think of two things, he sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and that we get a day off from work. I never really stopped to question this, because growing up, he was taught to be a hero. I mean after all we have a holiday for him, so he must be pretty great, right?

Always thought this was a bad day to "celebrate"
However the sad truth about it is that there is a whole other side of the story that is never told. It only takes minutes of research to find out the truth about Christopher Columbus and who actually is. Christopher Columbus did awful things but whats worse is that we are still glorifying him. For many Americans Columbus day is a nice day off from work, but for Native Americans they are reminded of the awful things their ancestors had to go through. One article I read quoted Christopher Columbus journal saying "I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men and govern them as I please." This quote really stood out to me because we are suppose to be teaching students about equality and treating every one the same. Yet here we are teaching them about Christopher Columbus, who is saying that he is so much better then these people, that he can just take them over and do whatever he wants with them. Is this really the type of message we want to be teaching our kids? Another quote that stood out to me in on of the articles was "why do some books not tell the truth." I understand we have to wait to a certain age before telling students the truth about Christopher Columbus, but maybe instead of telling them half the story, we should wait to tell them the whole story. Instead of glorifying Christopher Columbus at a young age, we should be telling our students the WHOLE story when they are old enough to handle it. I think that we should be using Christopher Columbus to teach our students how important it is to treat everyone as equals. Use this history to show them what he did was wrong, and make them question how they would feel if that happened to them today. I still think that we should be teaching our students about Christopher Columbus but the image of him really needs to change. I found this website that I thought would be helpful in teaching students the truth about Christopher Columbus.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why teach?

Although I have never wanted to become a teacher, I have always admired them. What makes a person choose a career where they will be underpaid and overworked. I just read an article that talks about a lady who planned on teaching for a few years, however 29 years later she was still in love with it.  She talks about how shes constantly learning new things and how its always a new adventure. She also mentions how great it feels when your grading a students work and get to put an A on the paper. What's better than a job that you can still love after 29 years? I think that people choose to teach because the joy that it brings out weigh the obstacles that teachers have to face. I also think that someone would want to teach in the U.S because childrens are our future. If we educate children and make in impact on their lives, they can make a difference in the world.Theres a quote that says " I'm not saying its going to be easy, I'm telling you its going to be worth it." I think that the sums up being a teacher really well.

I love this quote!!!  Totally true!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hi everyone! My names Nicole Cronin and I am in my last semester at Salem State. When I graduate I plan to travel around before heading off to graduate school. I am a psychology major and plan to focus specifically on child psychology. My whole life I have been around children, from my moms in home daycare, to volunteering and babysitting.  I was even lucky enough to work with children  while studying about this summer! When trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, there were two thing that I knew for sure, I wanted to help people and that nothing puts a smile on face the way children do. Knowing these two things made it easy for me to find child psychology. Although I am not an elementary education major I think that learning about education is extremely helpful. Whenever we are around children we are constantly teaching them. I think that knowing about education can definitely help me with child psychology. I have recently started an internship at Horizons for Homeless Children. I look forward to seeing how learning about education helps me with children in both my internship and psychology.

Here's a photo of me and my mom. I can definitely thank her for my love for children!

Understanding Prejudice
Here's a website that I found about teaching children about prejudice. It lists different activities to use to help children look at the world more openly. I thought this website was really helpful, especially after watching Lottery of Birth.